About Us
Studio Lapis provides bespoke services catered to the specificity of each project and site. We believe conservation, rehabilitation and reuse of historic structures, such as brownfield redevelopments, are indispensable to evolving a long term environmentally sustainable approach for urban regeneration. It gives a city the flexibility to accommodate disruptive changes without sacrificing its rich urban history and character.

What We Do
Studio Lapis is a Singapore-based architectural conservation specialist consultancy with local and overseas projects. We provide specialist advice for all stages of conservation and adaptive reuse projects, from feasibility studies through design strategies to engaging builders and restoration works. The care for built heritage does not stop there – we offer support on the long term conservation management, maintenance, and repairs of historic building fabric. We also work on built heritage research, publication, and advocacy projects.

Conservation is a process of managing change. We believe that a thorough understanding of the historic building lays the foundation for sound, informed decision-making on changes such as new programmes, design interventions, and restoration methods. Our hands-on team carries out rigorous fieldwork survey, documentation, investigations, and archival research. Findings, analyses and recommendations are compiled into a comprehensive Architectural Heritage Survey Report that will serve as a guide on the optimal conservation approach as we work closely with and advise owners, consultants, and builders throughout the project.

Our team members hail from a range of background - architecture, conservation, urban studies, heritage management, design, history. We specialise in architectural heritage survey, historical research, and restoration techniques, and offer design-trained eyes for advising on conservation intervention strategies - with a view to optimising the potential of historic buildings while minimising any heritage impact.
Role in Project
The flowchart below presents an overview of our role and work scope as a conservation specialist consultant during the various stages of a typical conservation development project.